W. L. FOSTSR,^^ General Merchant. Good Livery Aifa\cKed. 12 PHOTOGRAPHS FOR 25c. Send your Cabinet and get 12 Minaturcs returned with in one week with picture you send, for 25 cents. F\ J. WALSH, 353 Perry St., TRENTON, N. J Entertaining the Public. I®9 (frQfl 4a trQflfi and more per week Jjfr |U SOUU without previous expert' .VT, B/y .enco. No other busl \ jMi noß9 such large / JIIe returns for the little I effort required. Wo 1 ' '^ z * •* furnish complete oulflts. The work is easy, strictly high clnssandnnyman can operate the outfit hy following our instructions. Write( lor particulars and copies of letters! from those who are making BIG WONKY on our plan. KNTKRTAINMKNT SUPPLY CO.* Dept, Aljilm, 60 Firth Avo. CHICAGO. ILL. mention this pnpor when you write* HELLER Sc BRIGHTLY, Surveying Instrument Manufacturers, Ridge Ave. and Spring Garden St., - PHILADELPHIA. Heller & Briohtly’s Instruments are exclusively used for purposes of ln truction at Columbia College (School of Mines). Oregon State University, Massachusetts College of Technology. California State University. Sheffield Mel. School of Yale College. Dartmouth College. Western University of Pennsylvania. Mnlno State College. Fish University. Tutu Pennsylvania State College. STATS COLLS^S. •a MAKE BIG MOKEY