$ IF YOU WISH TO BECOME * W \ks fa A Chemist, A Teacher, it/ fa -4iMfc An Engineer, A Lawyer, i{( 2J An Electrician, A Physician, Jg ijj A Scientific Farmer, A Journalist, gj fa in short, if you wish to secure a training that will fit fa you well for any honorable pursuit in life, jjj 1 The Pennsylvania § | State College § ® Offers Exceptional Advantages * TUITION IS FREE IN ALL COURSES. (ft (ft iSi The General Courses have lately been extensively modified, so as to furnish a much more varied range of electives, after the Freshman Year, than heretofore, including History; the English, W fft French, German, Spanish, Latin and Greek Languages and Lit- i/ jli eratures; Psychology; Ethics; Pedagogics, and Political Science. ”5 These courses are especially adapted to the wants of those who W (ft seek either the most thorough training for the Profession of w /ft Teaching, or a general College Education. The courses in Chemistry, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering are among the very best in the United States, "ff (ft Graduates have no difficulty in securing - and holding positions. w/ (ft YOUNG WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same W (ft terms as Youn& Men. W (ft The next FALL SESSION opens Thursday, Sept. 12,1901. W (ft Examinations for admission, Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9 o'clock (ft A. M. $ /ft For Specimen Examination Papers or for Catalogue giving full in- \jjj /ft formation respecting oourses of study, expenses, eto., and showing Positions held by Graduates, address viv jL THE REGISTRAR, Jg Sta e College, Centre County, Pa. the times printing house, state oollbge, pa.