W. H. HORSTMANN COMPANY, Supplies for Military Schools and Colleges. r. W. S. Glenn, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, State College, Pa. oe at Residence. Olir. rßestc, Dealer in General Hardware. ss, Tinware, Woo«I Wil low W a»re, Gle»as, Oils, Points, Sta. STATE COLLEGE, PA. ILLOTT’S PENS, THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS, 9 HAVE GAINED THE GRAND PRIZE, Paris Exposition, 1900. ils la the Highest Prize ever Awarded to Pens. PHILADELPHIA. nifortn Clothing,Caps, Shoulder traps, Swords, Belts, Gloves, .eggins, etc., etc The State College Studio, Our Motto: "The Best at iToderate Price*." Our facilities for fine work were never better'. J. Q. WHITE & CO., Contracting Engineers Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md. New York Office, 29 Broadway. Complete Electric Railways, Light Plants and Gen eral Contracting. _3j| HIGH if , 'Ai GRADE svts* M' book and •" PAMPHLET ntolumbiui.oljio. MAKING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. .Prices on Application. W. W. SMITH, Artist