W. P. Beyerle lias left Omaha and is now working- with W. F. White, ’B7, in Cincinnati, O. Dawson, ’99, has left the Wag-ner Electric Co, of St. Louis, and is eng-ag-ed in the real estate business in Alle gheny, Pa. H. G. Gorr, ’99, was recently married. He is working for the Edison Electric Co., of Brooklyn, N. Y. John Neubert, ’99, is now assistant roadmaster of a di vision of the N. Y. Central railroad. His headquarters are at Lexington, N. Y. A. C. Pollock, 'OO, of Pittsburg-, recently paid a visit to his old friends in State College. The name of A. B. Gill, 'OO, appears in the Philadelphia papers in connection with the University of Pennsylvania track sports. At a meeting of ihe Association of Track Apprentices of the Illinois Central R. R. Co. held in Chicago about the first of the year, State College civil engineers were represented by T. R. Cummins, ’95, E. B. Espenshade, ’9B, W. I-I. Ken nedy, ’9B, R. S. Moore, '97, M. B. Morgan, '9B, L. M. Moser, '9B, and H. E. Wagner, ’99. The following is quoted from a personal letter from one of the Alumni of the College, who was graduated within the last five years, and who is in charge of the installation of a large electrical plant: “A little incident occurred here last week which 1 thought might interest the folks at the College. It merely tends to illustrate how the experience we gain in the shops at College may come to our rescue when thrown upon our own resources sometimes. Last Tuesday 1 was raising one of the smoke stacks for my power house boilers, when it became necessary to have some blacksmithing- work done. None of our company blacksmiths were around, and none lived within calling- dis tance. Unless we could have this blacksmithing work done, The Free Lance.