The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, May 01, 1900, Image 24

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    and can be depended upon at all times, and some of the men
who represent State on the track this year for the first time
will earn an S before the season is over;
The reviyal of interest in tenuis seems to have reached
State. Great enthusiasm is being - manifested in the tourna
ment now inprogress and before the series is finished some
very interesting - and exciting - g-ames may be expected. Even
golf seems, for the time,-to have lost its power of attraction,
and a number of the enthusiastic golfers are now seen daily
at the tennis court.
The following - letter from a ’95 man who is now Assistant
Engineer, on'thel. C. R. R'. is l of interest.' It is another
case of illustration of'the kind, of’men'turned out at State.
Editor Free Lance
State College, Pa.
Dear Sir :
In the “Saturday Evening - Post” for May sth,
there is an article, by Mr. J. E. Wallace, of the Illinois Cen
tral Railroad, in regard to the making of a Railroad Man,
that all State men ought to read.
In the course of his article he calls the Track Apprentice
system of.this road the “Kindergarten” of Railroad. Eng
ineerin g -and then goes on to say~“Of the one . hundred and
twenty young - men who have applied for theposition.of track,
apprentice in the serviceof this road and have been accepted
during.the past three , years,- only thirteen ‘flunked’ when
first they faced the stern.and.humble nature of their initial
work. Thirty-nine stuck through, thick and thin and have
been promoted to fairly profitable positions on> the regular
Freeport, Illinois, May Bth, 1900,