and thanks for his efforts in behalf of our team and for his efforts, to make the meet a success. In the developing of the material all efforts possible were put forth by those inter ested in. this line of work. And praise is also due to those who by their aid helped in this work. Their efforts are ap preciated by all. The last and concluding debate of , the series was lost by "State" at State College by a score of 55 to 45. (The points counting on debate alone, as the oratorical ability of the two teams was declared equal by the judges.) Throughout the debate the greatest interest was manifested by the audi ence which was very enthusiastic and impartial. , From be ginning to end both teams fought valiantly, and had the debate ended with honors as they were at the end of the regular. debate, State. must have won. But the failure of State's team.. to rebut in a forceful and decisive manner lost for her what she had gained in the regular debate. But notwithstanding this State's work was good. Dickinson, confident of winning, began in a manner not conducive to such confidence by the audience as was mani fested by her team, but grew stronger and continued to grow thus until the finish. And in rebuttal, where State was weak, she developed her best arguments.. One feature which received no approval by the audience was the mimicry practiced by Dickinson during the debate. The mandolin club furnished music during the evening and was enthusiastically applauded and graciously respond ed when called upon. Gen. James N.. Beaver (of the class of '9B) was presid ing officer. The judges were:—Rev. George S. Chambers, D. D., Harrisburg, Pa.;' Judge A. 0. Furst, Bellefonte, Pa.; John E. Fox, Esq., Harrisburg, Pa. The Dickinson team was composed as follows:—Caleb Burclienal, Canterbury, Del.; Boyd L. Spahr, Mechanics burg•,ePa.; Echnund.Y. Presby, Manahawkin, N. J. State's team was:•—Willis H. Landis, Lancaster, Pa,; Floyd H. Diehinson—State Debate.