State by throwing a goal from a foul time was called. The line up:— STATE. McCleary Pearce...... . . Stuart F 4 lder Ruble (Capt.). Goals from field:—Stuart, Krauss. ble 2, Stutzman. .IReferee—Davton. and Lundy. Time 2C minute halves. Thus far State had won every game this season, but on March 3rd, she met her only defeat. The game was hard— fast, and rough. Of course, Bucknell took her "accustomed brace" in the second half, and that was the only reason for the final score of 19 to 6. The line up:-- STATE. McCleary , Pearce Stuart E1der...... Ruble (Capt.) Goals from field:-41liott 2, Weymouth 1, Matthewson 3, Wassell 2, Pearce 1, Ruble 1. Goals from fouls:—Wassell, Ruble 2. Refree:—Hoskins. Umpires:—Thompson and Lundy. Time 20 minute halves. • The Juniors won their second game in the class series by defeating the Seniors 27 to 7. The Seniors played hard and fast during the first half but were unable to hold out. The best playing was done by Pearce, Buckhowt and Stuart. -attack _attack- _center- .defense. .defense. STATE, 6---BucKNZI4 4 , 19 , . attack , „ attack ,, defense. defense. CLASS GAMES. SXMORS, 7 -JUNIORS, 27 a few seconds before Y. M. C. A. Wadervitz Stutzinan Krauss (Capt.) Peaker Bevier Goals from foulb:—Ru- Umpires:—L. Itlessling BUBKNEI 4 L. Weymouth (Capt.) Wassell Matthewsou Davis