In the "battle royal ' of the different elements of the College, the LANCE, has indeed been a Free Lance, now en tering the tourney to fight for the Faculty, then for the students; now for one class, then again for another. But although it has fought for and against them all, binding it self in allegiance to none, yet it has not been eratic in its actions for it has had but one standard—that of right. And to uphold this standard it has without fear dared to face the wrong even tho' it opposed the majority. It has always sought to determine who Was right, and then without par tiality or favor— And now it enters the tournament for the last time to fight for itself. And the first foe it strikes is—delinquent subscribers. On the first of April the present Business Managers will turn their work over to the new one, and it is important that all accounts be settled by that time. Many of you will undoubtedly say, "Why, they have never asked me for it." Well, what if they have not asked you person ally they have clone so indirectly. And can't you take a hint, or must they kick you. Do not wait for them to hunt you up, but go hunt them up. If you don't know who they are yet, you will find their names opposite the first page of each issue, and a letter placed in thL , post office will be sure to reach them. So please come early and avoid the rush, "for the time aint long anymore." "Pull tilt against their foes, Where thickest fell the blows, And war cries mingling rose, Rode the bold FRI LANCE."