a funny scraping noise outside. Grady got up and looked out the window. A rope was hanging down from the floor above and to the end of it dangled a "Freshie" trying to get into Lecrone's room." "We had been papering the walls that afternoon and had half a bucket of flour paste left. Grady emptied half a pit cher of water and a bottle of ink into it, while I grabbed a bottle of ammonia from the closet, and we poured the con tents of both out the window. We could not lean out far, for fear of getting something down from above on our own heads. Just at the moment we emptied the bucket and bot tle, Dr. Andrews stepped out of his office. The part of the mixture that missed the Freshman, and that was the great er part, struck the Doctor fairly on top of the head. lie had not yet put on his hat, and his head, which was never too thickly settled by hairs, looked like a loaf of bread just ready to go into the oven. The ink seemed to have all collected on his shirt, while the ammonia distributed itself evenly over his face and clothes." "The next day he called Grady, Lecrone, and myself into his office. We explained matters as best we could and escaped with two weeks' Campus."' "What do you mean by two weeks' 'Campus'?" I asked, "Means that you are not allowed to leave the campus for two weeks, except on Saturday afternoon," he answered. "Now, please pass that cake and those bon-bons over here." The Free Lance.