THE FLAG-SCRAP AT STATE. irHE custom of the annual flag-scrap between the Fresh man and Sophomore classes is a comparatively new one at State. During the early years of the institution the classes were so small that there was very little chance for class spirit of any sort, and none of the distinctly class af fairs that are now the practice were then engaged in. Not until about the years 1884-85 did the classes become large enough to carry on any class movements, and even then very little was done. However it was plain that class feeling was growing and after two more years, in March, 1887, this feeling was manifested in the raising of a flag by the Fresh men on the flag-pole of the Main Building. The flag was rather roughly made by the boys themselves, and according to all accounts was put up simply for want of a little fun and excitement. Times were not as busy 'then as they are now. There were fewer things to take up spare time, • and so this flag-raising was chiefly the result of a restless feel ing among the students for something to do. The Freshmen put up the flag sometime during the night and carried a number of buckets of water with them up to the upper floor of the old cupola. This floor commu nicated with the outside of the cupola and its flag-pole by a man-hole, and the place could be reached only by a small ladder. 'When the Sophomores, learning of the affair, at tempted to get at the flag to tear it down this ladder was the only way up, so that the Freshmen had little trouble in making their defense. As soon as a Sophomore showed himself at the bottom of the ladder clown came a bucket of water on his head, with a promise of another just like it if he attempted to come any farther. As the night was ex tremely cold this sort of strata em proved very successful The Flag= Scrap at State.