The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, January 01, 1900, Image 7
not confound courage with foolhardiness," His mother told him tales Of the Revolution and gave him poetry. romances, and allegory to read, which largely developed the ideal side of the Mind, At the age of seven he went to 6chdol taught by Dr. Wor ce6ter, author of the dictionary. When nine years of age he Was lamed by an injury received while playing ball. His foOt shrill* and was much smaller than the other so that for two years he was confined to the house, during which time he did much studying and reading, Dr. Worcester coming to the house to teach him. Concerning his school day's he tells us:— 'One of the peculiarities of my boyhood was a grievou,-; disinclination to go to school and (Providence favoring me 1n this natural repugnance) I never did go half as much as other boys, partly owing to delicate health (which I made the most of for'the purpose), and partly because, much of the . time, theie were no schools within reach." At the age of fourteen Hawthorne went with his mother and sisters to Raymond, Maine, near Sebago Lake, to dwell hi a house belonging to his uncle, Robert Manning, and. called "Manning's Folly." Here he enjoyed the utmost freedonl, running Wild, spending his time hunting, fishing, etc., but it was while here that he acquired his "cursed habits of solitude." In winter, on moonlight nights, he would skate on the lake till midnight, then oft-times, seek ati old cabin and there be loSt in meditation. He says: "Oh, ho' recall the summer day's, also, when, With my gun, I roartied at will through the woods of Maine. .1-ToW sad middle'life looks to people of erratic temperamentsi everything is beautiful in youth, for all things are allowed to it then." Perhaps this had as much to do with "ripen ing the genius" of Hawthorne as ally of his studies. Among his early favorite authors were: Bunyan, Spenser, Shakespeare, Sir Philip Sydney, Miltdn, Thomas and. Gray; Hawthorne's L'a?ly Life.