Supplies for Military Schools and Colleges. Dr. W. S. Glenn, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, State College, Pa. Office at Residence. L. 01;i, meek, ....Dealer in.... General Hardware. Shoves, Tinweve, Wood and Wil low 'W'elre, Glass, Oils, Points, etc. STATE COLLEGE, PA. ess itt auLo r p e ttel rats. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1889. And the AWARD at CHICAGO. We make not only line noMt pens like 303-404-170-604 but also the coarser business pens like 332, 601 F 878, 1008 AV% Joseph Gillott & SOllB, New 'Work. W. 11. HORSTMANN COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Idiom Clothing,Caps, Shoulder 4raps, Swords, Belts, Gloves, ,eggins, etc., etc Prices on Application. The State College Studio, W. W. SMITH, Artist. Our Motto: "The Best at Moderate Prices." Our facilities for fine work were never better. J. O. WHITE & CO., Contracting Engineers Equitable Building, Baltimore, Nd. New York Office, 29 Broadway. Complete Electric Railways, Light Plants and Gen eral Contracting. HIGH GRADE lnit (l ll 4 l e pliAP prera' .BOOK AND PAMPHLET orolumbusAiu. MAKING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers