The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, January 01, 1900, Image 50
S. li. WILLIAMS, 117 - West High St., Wall Paper, Picture and Room Mouldings, Frames, Easels, Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Pastel Crayons and Everything for the Trades. Five Essential Points in en's Suits WORKMA.7 4 SII I P QUALITY . STY LE. PRICE. 'Each point necessary lo a wtsll-bal anced Suit. We see to it there's not a point missed. Every Suit in our store miplanned out months ahead. No hit or ss throwing together or cloth and buttons, but good honest clothes at manufacturer's prices. WO call spec ial attention to our Pure Worsted Suits in fancy Check, :Stripe and. Mixed Suiting's, at $lO to $15.. A11...W00l Rough Cheviots, in Black and Blue, single breasted with double-breasted vest, double-breast. ed Sack Suits, satin faced, English Walking Suits, $8.50, $lO, $l2, $l5. Men's TronSerS^if ndsoinc. Soil ing more ii 111,3 Trousurs than uvor be foro• neat 'worsted strlpo3, nobh,Y chocks and sty lish Wool Tronsorings share equally in popula r $3.5(), $4,17,0„Vi. Montgomery & Coil Progressive 'Clothiers, BELLEFONTE, - Advertisements. BELLEFONTE, ,F34lk. J. E. WARD, D. D. S., Rocorri, N, W. Cor. Allegheny and High Sts,, BEL.L.EFONTE. 7tke, atekvcao:a ?veva-WA 7 1-tcrasee a.k Twaetordz,Vta, haA exceptional facilites for. doing all kinds of 'Emboss an, l'tvxditemt, VoaWa,cl, tatyiedvta, ma Ska,uk NUT& Viz*. promptly and at pricer, that• are reasonable. "Y%etp "Ysits C 1 A, Sklattro,N,,s