ESTABLISH & Importers and A Chemicals and Chemical App ca-. -.J Bohemia') Glassirat Atickelware; German Glass•COOdS Platinaware, German Porcelain Ilalances and Weights, Microscopes, Collectiolls, (f (s Ob . ' -.40 Glass and tkietal Apparatus, Special, Made to Order, According, to Draw logs. Glass Mowing and Enraving done on premises. A kinds of Test/ Tig Apparatus, Reagents and Bottles, Sole Agents for Renowned Vactories. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 205 to 211 Third Ave., Cor, 18th Street, NEW vc•R K. . H. O. /ViEIE,K., Drugs, Stationery and Toilet Articles. Drawing Materials and Artists' Supplies. Books and Magazines. Office Supplies and Students' Stationery a Specialty. STATE COLLEGE, PA. Aciverlisements