JAS. HARRIS. JAS. HARRIS & CO., Hardware of Every Description, STOVES, TINWARE, ETC., HIGH STREET, - BELLEFONTE, PA. Compteet line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Etc., Can b® Found at J. N. & S. KRUMRINE'S STORE, tElte College, Pa. valuable to be spent on mental computing when be can do the work on the (lomptometer In much less time and 'wit 1! abFlolllte accuracy. _ _ _ Pram-emit Mfg. 62 to stl Illinois Stroct,• CHICAGO, C. S, • • The Only Machine. t*' The only machine over invented which will add all the columns at one time by the simple touching of keys, and nothing more. ~..o . The only machine ever invented "which mul tiplies and divides by automatic keys. Absolute accuracy and twice as quick as Ow best accountant. No lever to operate. Nothing to do but touch the keys. Simple, light, compact, durable. A book-keeper's or engineer's time is. too AVrlte for Pamphlet. JAS. 11. POTTER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers