The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, January 01, 1900, Image 46
W. L. POSTEA, n g t. for Siz.l<liog'S General Merchant. Athletic Ooo4s. Gooel Livery ATIAGI\cd. 12. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR 25c. Send your Cabinet and get 12 Minature sreturned with in one week with picture you send, for 25 cents. F'. J. WALSH, 353 Perry St., TRENTON, N; 3. Vi.) ki 4• w r nel At11 . 4101 ....„ v „r •,, - I'l i T t F ,",, itiu IA t. I 44 te ' .. V . ‘, , i: ' Ar'l sir 3 4 5 5Z 7, 444 , , 3 ;; 1 1 .1 ra t ort :ii En lal t r..' th le to a.t 13 1i 0 . f i f tl 4 '',E. , , ' ''Vth tr j et. M il am( morn por v.e...1: „,....,,,'' :or t ~ n., 10 , i,i‘lAW t 4 %V itheAll, rerZlititlA met.). al t.4. .... : : . ,700 . , ~.. n a t .. , . ltts T. Z.: i, ) b o i t l le h r It ' l l i n l: si ts: ... v.. 7..... .„ i':' ( .q..\,,,.,. - A ii,...% , , reform tor the little i. / .6 'lli l ' ' f"'"";„ o " .l ` 4 A`i' , ‘?.. carat requited. We ' , "4,741:::. \ if '-f ~ .., . , . 7: .• t urnish complete ' r , /1 1 ....,, : * 1 '' outfits. The went Is cosy. strictly hIRJI V9l ,” claimant] any moo citn 1)Olirrl tAI ti Ie n nth t e. ,- by rollowintr our iimtritetton9. WriteLl';';'• , .• ' '''', for particulars and copies of lottern:F 10 : 4 4 . iron, those who mil, in/Odin: BIG MONEY .._•?- 4, :,. 1,4 ,, ~,• \ 00 our Ellit.n. ENTEIVPAII;3IIiNT SUPPLY ~,.c-:1 / 4 q .'s• - •' , .\ CO., Dot. livh n; 5(1 With' Ave. CHICAGO. ILL. '' 'Mention MA paper when you write. HELL,ER. 84. .131 R 10 HIT 1.../V 9 Surveying Instrument Manufacturers, Ridge Ave. and Spring Garden St., - PHILADF4I4PHIA.. I.lamml & Dnionmrs instruments aro. exellisively used for purposes of le truction at Columbia College (School of Mine 6). Oregon State University. Massachusetts College of Technology. California State University. Sheffield Set. School of Yalr• College. Dartmouth College. Western University of Pennsylvania. Maine State College. loisk University. • Tam PENNSYLVANIA STATJ COLLEGE. STfIT.G COLLEGE.