Geo. T. GRAtiAIT.S.--- Shaving and Haircutting 'Emporium. Located in Old Post Office Building. Clean Towels, Sharp Razors and Flrst.Glass Work Guaranteed. Henry Grimm, MERCHANT TAILOR, State Coll e g e •, Experienced Management. %tate College lbotel, S. S. GFRIE,IB, Prc)prietcor. A. F. /Vieurkle., Beef, Pork, Lamb and S'lr AL 'r lE. 4coL.L.e-3 a, . . . FOR MEN BANISTER'S FINE SHOES-ALWAYS LEAD. 'lingle's Shoe' Store. Mr. J. C. Rogers represents us at State College. .'c') t/Sc'ifc:9lt Denier in Steam Heat. Hams, PA. IMM3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers