The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, January 01, 1900, Image 44
BELL /.linvins moving IV tilt. •.tteud drawn. No. 8 /1 1 1 1) : P. t 8 (10 111 i.l' 1$ 3 CO' 2 (10 1 71,E No. 5 Mail. A. 111. 12 15 *BlB 4 11 40 800 11 40 4'. )8. 12 .t 10 1 BS I 45 It 10 "iII 401 IS Sri 7 10 4 21 I'4 20 f 4 28 4480 1 4 30 t 4 40 4 48 1'245 4464 Trzz l t, 10 5 151 ...oto.l CS . Illoonisdorf Pine Grove Mills. ... Lve. xitii Idonta.ndon, liewisburg, Williamsport, Lack Ilaven and Ty t, with Trains Nos. 8 and smy State College. Trains from State met with P. U. It. trains et Boliefont. Daily except Sunday. "C' * via. Montandon. fi via. bock Haven and Williamsport. viu. P. U. TI.TOrdAS, Superintendent. Drs. JNO. F. & W. S. HARTER, I_l Trains f tone comma ()allege cant stops on tlug r.Pyrone. Surgeon Dentists. Office in Holmes Building, State College NTE CENTRAL RAILROAD. TIME TABLE No. 1. STATIONS. eftw.i. Monday, April 1.1, • [Arrive New York ,Trarrisburg Pittsburg &Roma Ty rotio Sunbury... Montanclon.. Itowlsburg... M=R=l Pallefonte.... ..... ("oloville Morrie Wlll trier miter' 9 Pi ) lmore ['flatly Waddles Lanthourn . , firinnrine ...,. tate lo C IS ... .. am•••••irm.d4rg.. W. L. DAGGETT, th .o East. cad u, - No. 4 Exp. A. M. * 7 38 4 (10 M. #lO 00 4'll 80 I 740 tn f 2 22 f 2 17 , f 2 10 f 2 W f 200 1f,5 f 1 52 f 1 87 'MO ITII7 1-1 c) Bellefonte, Pa. Proprietor.