The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, January 01, 1900, Image 4
The Free Lance. Published Monthly during the College Year by .the Students of The Pennsylvania Stale College. Entered at Slate College Post Office as Second Class Matter. F. T. COLE, 'OO, Editor-in-0,14f. Editors. A. M. ARNEV, 'Ol. G. A. Fil i nnß, 'Ol. G. H. KITTRIWGE, GLENWRIGHT, }, Business Managers. YOUNG, 'OO, C. H. BASSI,I4II, 'Ol, Assistant. G. K. WARN, 'OO. D. Pa. WimrzEr„ 'OO. • The Song of the Soul Hawthorne's F i arly Life Lost on the Lake Thumb-Nail Sketches Those Seniors The Freshman's Dream Lack of Sympathy A Passing Incident The Moon's Soliloquy. A Picture and A Gift Peradventure----A Lancelet The 4ditor and The Critic College Miscellany THE Plum LANCId is published on or about the fifteenth of each month, from October to June, inclusive, by a Board of Editors elected from the three upper'elasses of The Pennsylvania State College. Its aim is to encouragelit entrywork in College, and to give , faithful representation of College life. Contributions of all kinds are, therefore, earnestly solicited from the Students and Alumni. The subscription price, for one volume of nine numbers, is $1.00; single copies, 15,c0nt4. The LANch will be sent regularly to all old subscribers and new Staldents unless ordered to discontinue. Address all con tri but ions to Editor of Pam Iltson; all business colu mn lett.tions to E‘, Youso, Business Manager, CONTENTS H. H. HANSoIv, 'O2. A. TI. MILLI R, 'O2. PA cat. 21( 216 221 224 224 226 227 229 230 231 232 238 247