istry have recently received a numbor of interesting addi tions. The Superintendent of the Correspondence Courses in Agriculture, Prof. G. C. Watson, has received from the prin ters the first lessons in the Courses in Nature Study. The College offers these lessons free of charge to the teachers of Pennsylvania who may obtain them by applying to the Superintendent. Among the books on the "New Book" shelf in the Col lege Library, will be found the following:— Warner'S Library of the World's best Literature, 45 volumes Flink—"Tramping with Tramps." Burwell—"Girl's Life in Virginia before the War Butterworth—"South Africa." Johnston—" Colonization of Africa. " Bruce—" Alaska." Douglas—" China. " Beresford—"Break-up of China." Ransome—"Japan in Transition. " Griffis—"Romance of Discovery" "Romance of American Colonization." Carrington—"Washington the Soldier." Garland--" Grant, his Life and Character." Hapgood—" Abraham Lincoln, the Man of the People." McCall—"Thaddews Stevens (Amer. Statesman sev.)." Lodge—" War with Spain." •Depew-"Birthday Address at the Montauk Club of Brooklyn". Rhodes—" History of the U. 5.," 4 vol. Stead—" The United States of Europe." Fiske—" Dutch and Quaker' Colonies in America." Foreman—" Philippine Islands." Ewald—"Antiquities of Israel." Slang Dictionary. MeClurc's Magazine, Public Opinion. Bookman. Book. Cull4{'c al!isccllany. LIBRARY NOTES. "Romance of Conquest:"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers