S. H. WILLIAMS, 1.17 West High St., Wall Paper, Picture and Room Mouldings, Frames, Easels, Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Pastel Crayons and Everything for the Trade. Five Essential Poinis in Men's Suits WORKMANSHIP. QUALITY. STYLE. PRICE. Each point necessary to a wel muted Suit. We see to it there's not a point missed. Every Suit In our store planned out months ahead. No hit or miss throwing together of cloth and buttons, but good honest clothes at manufacturer's prices. We call spec ial attention to our Pure Worsted Suits in fancy Check, Stripe and Mixed Suitings, at $lO to $1 5. All-Wool Rou gh Cheviots, in Black and Blue, single breasted with double-breasted vest, double-breast. ed Sack Suits, satin faced, English Walking Suits, $8.50, $lO, $l2, $l5. Men's Trousers-Handsome. Sell lug more line Trousers than ever be fore; neat worsted stripes, nobby checks and stylish wool Trouserings share equally ha popular favor.--$3, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5. Montgomery & Co., Progressive Clothiers, BELLEFONTE, - - BELLEFONTE, PA. J. E. WARD, D. D. S., • b~o c~m~, N. W. Oor. Allegheny and High Sts., BELLEFONTE, - PA. akaman TAMAVag Vvozase at. Ilekkelnke, I)&, has exceptional facilites for doing all kinds of TlA.Akt.tva, tutbosakug, Rambo lava, liValkug, tAgra,vkAg, ma ' ‘akemk. 'Book Inovk. promptly and at prices that are reasonable. lt.se,A Ws kn. Ittkud., Students.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers