THE Sunday chapel exercises fOr the past month have been very interesting and instructive. It is safe to say, however, that the older students do not take the interest that was shown when Dr. Colfelt was here, when it seemed more of a privilege than a duty to attend. But the selection of divinity teachers has been. a pleasing one, nevertheless,•consisting of the following:— Rev. J. W. White, of Milroy, who preached on Oct. 15, from the text, " Alleluia, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth." His sermon was a forceful presentation of the idea that there is a divinity in and about us all, and a power not ourselves which makes for righteousness." On Sunday, Oct. 22, Prof. Gill delivered a most inspiring ser mon on, " Getting and Giving," basing his remarks upon the text, "'Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to give than to receive." The Professor, who is always good, was at his best, and his discourse was one of Unusual interest and beauty, showing deep thought and study of the ethical problems of life. On Sunday, Oct. 29, the students and friends of the College had the pleasure of listening to an excellent sermon by the Rev. Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. Dr. Schaeffer's subject was the " Human Heart," or the " Inner;',Life of Man." We print elsewhere a brief of his inter esting sermon. Rev. Allan Sheldon Woodle, of. St. John's Rectory, Altoona, who was to have preached on Nov. ia, was detained by unfore seen circumstances and there was consequently no chapel on that day. The Scientific Association of the College has been holding some very interesting meetings this year. The first one was held .on Tuesday, Oct. 3, when Dr. W. J. Keith read a very instructive paper on " Petroleum and Its Products." COLLEGE NOTES.