ball team that we had in the four years, in addition to paying a large sum for a coach, reported a considerable balance in the treasury at the end of the only successful season from a financial standpoint of the four. Right here it might well be said that the writer does not mean to place the financial side of college athletics above the athletic side, but it is his intention to discuss merely the one side of the question and at the same time to show that it will in no way be detrimental to the other. In fact, the reader will readily concede that an improvement cannot do aught but simultaneously improve college athletics from the athletic standpoint itself. In but few instances is the manager entirely responsible for the outcome of a season. His success or failure can almost invari ably be traced to those who elected him. A certain Roman emperor made his favorite horse consul, but this empty act did not fit the incumbent to fulfill the duties of the office. Similarly the mere elevation of a man to the responsible post of manager of one of the several departments does not and never will fit him for the position. If the students of State are content with such " ring " politics as have of late years controlled,. more than anything else, the election of athletic managers, they must be content with the re sults which they themselves, knowingly and after due considera tion, bring about. If, through the political manipulations, with which you are all as familiar or perhaps even more so than the writer, good managers were elected, the present condition would not be so objectionable, but consider the results. Of the nine unsuccessful candidates above mentioned, only one was an inde pendent candidate, while two of the three successful managers were independent candidates Does not the comparison of these figures speak for itself ? The writer is entirely familiar with the details of a recent political deal involving the election of a man ager for the foot ball and one for the base ball department—a deal which cost the Athletic Association $4OO in round numbers. The introduction of an Advisory Committee into the Associa tion has made expenditures of " $9O for chewing gum, etc.," a thing of the past, although it cannot entirely overcome the evils due to the incompetency of the manager. When politics cease to be a factor in the election of managers, when a ,man is elected, not because he is " a good fellow," but because he is a good