act must work in him a complete change of heart ? Furthermore did King David know the real state of his heart when he sent the brave Uriah to his death in the thickest of the fight ? Note how skillfully the prophet leads the erring king to look into the depths of his heart. He tells him the pathetic story of the poor man's little ewe lamb ; and when the king's indignation is kindled against the wicked rich man, the prophet declares, " Thou art the man 1" And David is led to pray, " Create in me a clean heart, 0 God ; and renew a right spirit within me." After St. Peter's firm declaration of courage and devotion, how the true state of his heart must have been revealed to him when he knows that he is weak enough to deny his Lord. And this sudden revelation .of his inner life was also followed by bitter and sincere repentance. Again, did St. Paul know what he was doing, did he realize the hidden activities of his heart, the moral quality of his actions, when he journeyed to Damascus to perse cute his countrymen ? It is certain that these men did not at first fully appreciate the moral significance of their actions ; they did not realize the ethical quality of their conduct. But after God had revealed their sins and opened their hearts, they could turn away from their wicked ness. Then each began to know his own heart, and could keep it with all diligence. The preacher then made a practical application of this thought to our own lives. He looked at the subject from the student's point of view. He pointed out how the Bible in this text teaches us to look into the inmost depths of our being. The mysterious activities of the mind were described, 'and it was seen that many of the forces at work in the heart of man are even below the plane of consciousness. The activities of our moral and spiritual life are welling up continually from that region of our inner life call ed the soul. The heart is a hidden region ; its activities are often below the plane of our conscious thought. How then can we obey the admonition of the text,—" Keep thy heart with all diligence " The truth is, that it is possible to cultivate or deform the in most heart of man, just as it is possible to stimulate or derange the bodily organ called the , heart. Our inner life is moulded and influenced by our habits of thought and conduct. The thoughts which we habitually cherish are like visitors. They will come DR. SCHAErFRR'S SERMON