PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, State College, Pa. . . . OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. L. OLIN MEEK, DITAIXIL IN 601101 HOMO, SIMS, 11Iltle, • Wood and Willowware, Glass, Paints, Oils, Etc, STATE COLLEGE, PA. Wall Paper, Picture and Room Mould ings, Frames, Easels, Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Pastel Crayons and Everything Pertaining to the Trade. *44 ' IL fri_p U 7 West High St., 847,1 / EPONTE, PA. J. G. WHITE & CO., Contracting • Engineers, Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md. New York Office, 29 Broadway. Complete Electric Railways, Lighting Plants and Gen. eral Contracting. ADVMTISEMENTS. Glenn, lite Slate College W. W. SMITH, Artis Our Motto : "The Best at Moderat Our facilities for fine work were n Drs. hilll F. 111 A W. S. SURGEON DENTISTS. Offices in Holmes Building, :1111:1![111 Bellefonte, Pa W. L. DAGGE PROPRIETOR. EXAMINER PRINTING AN PUBLISHING HO No. 9 North Queen LoneaOter, Pa. T. B. & H. B. Cochran, Pro State Col