E FREE LA OCTOBER, 1899 P. T. CoLE, 'oo, Editor-in-Chief. WARN, 'OO. WUNTZEL, 'OO. HANSON, 'O2. . C. GIiIt,NWRIOHT, 00 Business Managers. YOUNG, 'OO, C. H. BASSLUR, 'al, Assistant. DREAM SYMPHONIES. 'Tis when the mind is weary, And the heart is sad and lone, That some sweet strain of music Creeps in through memory's portals To soothe and heal our every wound, To chase the shades of care away And leave instead the sunset glow, When storms are past and and clouds are r With tinted edges, gold on blue; And peerless sunlight shining through Proclaims that peace from heaven is sent; And the peace creeps into the heart's high 'Till we lose ourselves in the memory Of the song that seems divine. ug at .4 HE LIFT, AND GENIUS OI POE. I of October of this year there was unv iate ceremonies at the University of V bust of Edgar Allan Poe. It was m. gathering to honor a distinguished son t. Men of every walk of life through Editors A. M. ARMY, '0 S. H. KUHN, 'ol'. A. H. H. Mixii,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers