tion to the new men. In this way the new men were able to be come acquainted with the old men, and with each other. Judge Beaver conducted chapel exercises Sept. 17, delivering a very entertaining discourse on " Courage." Immediately following the regular morning chapel exercises on Tuesday, Sept. 26, a mass meeting of the student body was held. A number of the Alumni were also present. The meeting was, as Dr. Atherton expressed it, " for the good of the order," and when Gen. Beaver, President of the Board of Trustees, rose to address those present, the very air seemed full of college spirit and enthu siasm. He spoke of the excellent showing that State's graduates are making; pointed to the good results which have attended, the efforts made, on the part of the Alumni and students, to secure new men; and expressed the hope that the number of students would continue to increase year by year. He then read letters' from several of the Alumni, who were unable to be present, each one showing that the writer was a loyal friend of his Alma Mater. Coach Boyle in a few determined words outlined the work which he proposes to accomplish this year, at the same time re minding the students of their duty in supporting the team. Scott, '96, gave 'a short talk on athletics, followed by Warn of the Senior Class. Dr. Atherton then closed the meeting and the reg ular work was resumed. Owing to the large number of students in the Freshman and Sub-Freshman Classes, a change in the seating at chapel.was necessary. At a recent meeting of the Senior Class, the following officers were elected:—Warn, president; Morgan, vice president; Hamil ton, secretary; Glenwright, treasurer; Miss Bricker, poetess; and Gill, historian. The following officers were elected by the Class of Igoz :—Pres ident, Kuhn; vice president, Arney; secretary, Moke; and treas urer, Elder. Kuhn has been elected editor-in-chief pro tern. of 'or La Vie Board. In case Wade does not return to college a new editor will be elected. The " Thespians " have organized and have elected the follow ing of Wentzel, 'oo; secretary, Ross, 'ox; man ager, Hamilton, 'oo. The play decided on to be given this year is, " She Stoops to Conquer." COLLEGE NOTES