The following positions have, been secured by the '99 Miners:— W. H. Finley as Assistant Superintendent with the Montana Coal & Iron Mining Co.; W. L. Affelder with the H. C. Frick Co. of Scotdale; while W. E. Brandt will enter business with his father at Mount Joy, Pa. 0. P. Maxwell and M. R. Stevenson, graduate chemists, have secured positions with the Bellefonte Furnace Co., and with the Morris & Cass Paper Co., of Tyrone, respectively. The Agricultural Seniors have been quite successful in finding positions. F. M. Carpenter left immediately after his graduation to take charge of a high class dairy near Jersey City, New Jersey; W. B. P. Lockwood goes to Boston July 4th where he is engaged with the Walker-Gordon Modified; Milk Co.; V. H. Miller will go home to assist his father in managing a large farm, while W. P. Wood and H. 0. Way will probably obtain the appointments to the fellowship in Dairy Husbandry, and Agricultural Chemistry. The Senior Electricals have also obtained positions as follows: W. P. Beyerle goes to the Thompson Houston Electrical Light and Power Co , of Omaha, Neb.; H. G. Gorr and H. P. Wood have accepted positions on construction work with the J. G. White Co., Washington, D. C.; W. T. Griffin will be employed on the electrical equipment of the Schoenberger Steel Co., Pittsburg, Pa.; J. C. Reed will also go to Pittsburg in the employ of the Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Co., and G. J. Yundt has secured a position with the Gardiner Electrical Co. of Chicago, Ill.; V. M. Weaver has been offered employment by both the Stanley Electrical Co. of Pittsfield, Mass., and the Wayne Electrical Co., of St. Louis, Mo.; J. L. Minnick will probably go to Ridgway in the service of the McEwen Engine and Dynamo Co., of that place; D. E. Carpenter and W. B. Dawson have for some tune held positions; the former as super intendent of the Electrical Light and Power Plant at the Hunt ingdon Reformatory, Huntingdon, Pa.; the latter with the Wag ner Electrical Co. of St. Louis, Mo.