S HE FREE LANCE. XIII P. T. Cor,u, 'oo, Editor-in-Chief. G. K. WARN, 'OO D. B. WEisrzEL, 'OO. C. T. WADE, 'ox. H. H. HANSON, 'O2. A. H. H. MILLER, 'oz. C. E. DFiNNEV, 'OO, Business Manager. C. H. BASSLER, 'ox, Assistant. The yegterday, I toiled along Through many years at learning's shrine; But with the toil there came the joys, The fellowship of college boys, The victories o'er the swift and strong, The times of feasting, dance and song, Ah, student days what joys were thine, That I to my memory's care resign. LET US HAVE PEACE. (A Commencement Oration, D. E. CARPV,III`.UR, '99.) E student of history very naturally concludes that war was about the only occupation of the ancients. We read that one war followed another in rapid succession, and treaties ace seem to have been made only to, be broken. We look the ancient Greeks and Romans as pagans and heathens, JUNE, 1899. Editors A. M. ARNEY, 'ol'. S. H. KUHN, 'al. JUNE .0 ~at .4 No. 3. C., 'OO, IN LA VIE.