Association. This agreement to be binding only after one hun dred ( oo) persons have pledged themselves to pay the above amount." From June 12th to June i Bth, the following names were at- tached: James A. Beaver, Cyrus Gordon, John S. Weller, Louis E. Reber, - J. P. Jackson, Geo. C. Butz, W. A. Buckhout, Alex. A. Patterson,- This looks. very promising and we hope that more will respond promptly. We might add that C. F. York agreed to raise it to one hundred dollars ($ioo) if four other persons would do the same. Next Fall we will have an opportunity to place the name of State among the big four. Just look at the foot ball schedule in our last issue and consider what a chance we have of winning recognition. We have the material for a winning team, all we need is a coach; and if you (the Alumni) will give us a lift, we will promise to make your hearts glad, and make you feel proud that you are a graduate of State. mEmBERS of the Class of '99, we greet you for, the first time as Alumni. Yours has been the toil for four long years, • but it is now over, and you have passed out from the doors of State with her blessing and best wishes. The toil of college is over; but you have passed on to that larger toil which only ends with life. The College will follow you in all the years to come, will joy in your success, and grieve for your failures. If the world seems cold and repulsive, remember you must take it as you find it. Go slow, but sure; and if the world conspires against you, fight, and fight hard; and if you must die, die hard and with your face to the front. Remember us in your success, and we will help you in your failures. And now to the class of '99 we bid adieu, and with glass in hand we drink to the toast, " May you ever live long and prosperous." J. Prank Shields, Geo. Demming, W. J. Moore, Geo. R. Meek, D. L. Patterson, Jr., Chas. L. Aull, W. W. Mitchel], William Prear, J. H. Rodgers. W. A. Silliman, H. C. Quigley, Wni. Foster, Geo. L. Potter, Chas. M. M. Curdy Chauncey F. York, W. 13. Poster, I. P. McCreary,