FREEDOM Or SPEECH AND Or THE PRESS During the past year one branch of the press has been wonder fully developed. The demand of the American public for some thing new,—the desire for the sensational has produced about a score of " yellow journals " in the United States. They have come to be a power because they have money and brains at their command. Those who control them claim that they are the " people's papers,"—that they expose the wickedness, selfishness and monopolies of the rich, uphold the rights of the down-trodden; and bring about reforms to benefit the masses. But they have done so much evil in proportion to the little good, that they have fallen far short of the lofty standard which may have been estab lished for them. By swindling the people on manufactured war news, by attacking the President and the War Department, they have called down on themselves the condemnation of the educated classes. The Spanish war, many wise-headed people believe, was brought on by " yellow journalism," and when the Executive was pondering thoughtfully over questions of vital interest, dozens of patriotic stay-at-home editors could have piloted the " Ship of State " into the harbor of Victory and Peace. In Europe the American press is judged by " yellow journal ism." Europeans believe the typical American to be a boasting, boisterous, and vain-glorious fellow, with no respect for others and little or none for himself. Judging from the " yellow jour nals," they could form no other opinion. A reform is necessary. Papers print what will sell. The press is a thermometer by which can be measured the degree of sensa tionalism which is prevalent. If the people want a conservative press, they can have it; if the people want " yellow journalism," they can have it. It is the people who are responsible for the abuse of the press. Shall we continue then to be the laughing stock of the nations with our " yellow journalism " and lack of seriousness when we, our selves, have the power to improve the state. of affairs ? How can we have good officials so long as we fail to give our heartiest sup port and good-will to • those. who have been selected by sus ? 'lf our officials .prove themselves unworthy of the trust that has been committed to. them, we have means by which they can be re moved. But no amount of bombast ,and ridicule will produce any definite result other than to stir up strife and envy, and catise the false and corrupt to cover itself with .bribery and secrecy. An