words a few times to fix them in my mind. What! Can't I re member ? And as I struggled in vain to recall them, I experi enced a sinking feeling worse than if the abyss of hades had opened my feet and I had fallen in. But the words suddenly returned to memory. In nervous haste I sprang out of bed. Turning on the light I snatched the nearest pad, which happened to be my calender, and on the leaf for Friday, the i6th, I wrote the hallowed words. The next I remember, it was bright daylight, and the chapel bell was ringing. I managed to dress in time for the first recita tion, but strange as it seems, I did not think of my dream, until I got into my laboratory work. Pretty soon I saw Brooks com ing toward me. Then recollection came like a flash, but so sud denly that nothing was clear. I strove to remember, I clutched after the idea as it faded from memory, like a sinking man grasps after a spar Which is slowly but surely floating out of reach. " Come out of it! " Brooks exclaimed, coining up to my table. " Finished that story ? " I explained to him how I had tried, and told him that I had now a wonderful, really original idea to • work on, adding that the Stiletto could well afford to wait a day or two for the story. Brooks looked at me in a startled way. " What is it ? " he demanded excitedly. " Come to my room at twelve," I replied. " Please tell me, do tell me," he pleaded as eager as a hungry miner who had just uncovered a pay streak. " I cannot now," I mumbled. He went away, but at twelve I found him waiting at my door. I went straight for the calendar. Heavens! Friday, the i6th, was gone. Fairly trembling with the haste of despair, I fumbled through the drawers, searched on the floor, in my book case, everywhere. Every instant Brooks was getting more nervous. "Por heaven's sake, Maurice, tell me," he exclaimed, piteously, " I can't wait another minute." " Help me hunt," I replied. " It's on a calendar leaf." We went through everything again. After a few moments hunting, I heard the rattle of paper. " Great Prexy! " he yelled, black in the face, as he threw down my night shirt. " That's it," I cried, as I discerned the big figure i 6.