PAGIC. April..... .. . . ..... z My Lady of the Field of Blood . . . An Adventure Underground 9 The Blood of Grapes 13 Was it a Dream ? 1 4 Sayonora 16 [Entered May 4, 1887, at the Post Office at State College, Fa., as Second Class Matter.'] THE MEE LANCE is published Monthly during the college year by the students of THE PENN SYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Contributions of all kinds are desired from Students and Alumni. Terms of subscription are $.z.00 ; Single Copies, z$ cents. Address all Communications to A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NEW YORK, CHICAGO. DENVER. Official Outfitters to the Leading • t Colleges, Schools and Athletic ietie Goods Clubs of the Country. THE SPALDING BICYCLE ridden by the Intercollegiate A. A, A. A. Champions, and all the leading college riders. Every Requisite for BASE BALL, FOOT BALL GOLF, TENNIS, A lIILETICS, GYM I•IASIUM. Spalding 's OFFICIAL LEAGUE BALL is the official ball of the National League and all the leading college associations. Handsome Catalogue of Athletic Sports Free to any address. Spald ing's Official Base Ball Guide for 1899, ready March 30, lo cents. • A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Chicago. New York. Jacob Reed's Sops, 11412.44114 CHESTNUT ST., SPRING OUTFITTINGS FOR YOUNG MEN'S NEEDS. Oversacks, Trousers, Tennis Shoes, Gloves, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, Patent Leather Shoes, Fancy Shirts, Night Wear, Suits, Suspenders, Bicycle Suits, Dress Shirts, Collars, Calif, Negligee Shirts, Golf Hose Canes, Opera Fats, ENIrS. CONIC' Liquid Air and its Possibilities . . . 17 Editorial 23 College Notes 25 Alumni Notes 29 Athletics 31 THE FREE LANCE, Slate College, Pa. Suit Cases, Sweaters, Hosiery, Full Dress Shields, Fancy Vests, Underwear, Mackintoshes, Silk Hats, Denver. PHILADELPHIA. Pajamas, Soft Felt Hats, Derby Hats, Outing Caps, Neckwear, Golf Wear, Calf Skin Shoes, Russet Shoes, PAGE.