PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, State College, .; .. .Pa 071101 AT 11118113N011. L. OLIIMMEEK, =ALM IN NON NOON. Met IVOR Wood and Wi!lawmen, Mose, Paints, 011., Rte, 1 STATE COLLEGE, PA. Wall Paper, Picture and Room Mould ings, Frames, Easels, Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Pastel Crayons and Everything Pertaining to the Trade. sos 8. H. Wil lam., 117 West High St., 8.7a4RP0N2 0, PA. J. , 0. WHITE & CO., Conipacting • Engineers, /Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md. ' New York Office, • 29 Broadway. , ComplCte :ElectritY Railways, Lighting Plants and Gen. , end Contracting. e SIBIO peep tam, W. W. SMITH, Artist. Methods—Up to Date. • Itittish—The Best. Results—Permanent. . Teachers . Union Teachers' Agencies of America Rev. L. D. Baas, D. D., Manager. Pittsburg, Pa., Toronto, Can, New Orleans, 1411., New York...N. Y., Washington, D. C., San Francisco, Cal., Chicago DI., St. Louis, Mo., Denver, Colo. There are thousands of positions to be filled, We had over 8,000 vacancies last season. Maur• passed facilities for placing teachers in any patr of the U. S. and Canada. One fee registers In 9 offices. More vacancies than teachers. WAddress all applications to Pittsburg, Pa., BUSH HOUSE, Bellefonte, Pa. W. L. DAGGETT , 1 PROPRIETOR. EXAMINER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, No. 9 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. T. B. & , H. B. dchran, PioOletoti.,