THE inter-class series opened on January zo, the first game being between the Seniors and the Sophomores. Judging from the game, the latter have not lost those qualities of fast and skillful playing which won for them the championship last year. In spite of the fact that the Senior team was crippled by the illness of their captain, Lockwood, they, too, played a very creditable game. For the Seniors, Stevenson, who acted as captain, and Neubert played the most creditably. The latter made two " grand stand." plays by throwing goals almost from the middle of the field. McCleary and Buckhout played best for the Sophomores. The line-up was:— '99 (9). Positions. Stevenson, Neubert. Tustin. Norman (Wagner), 1 Defenses Beyerle, J Referee—Prof. Leete. Umpire—Dr. Newton. Timekeeper— • P. B. Breneman. Time of halves-2o and 15 minutes. Goals from field—Stevenson, Neubert (2), McCleary (3), Buck hout (2), Elder, Stuart. Goals from fouls—Stevenson (3), McCleary. Fouls—Tustin (2), Stevenson, Ruble, Elder (2), Buckhout (2). THE game on January 2 r between the Juniors and the Fresh men was a decided surprise, not only to the Freshmen, but to the entire College. The almost universal impression was that the Juniors would have a hard fight to win, but from the very beginning of the game the erroneousness of that impression was ATHLUTIC DUPARTMUNT '99, 9; 'or, 15. 1 Attacks. Centre. at ag at 'OO, 17; 'O2, 0 'or (r 5). f Buckhout, / McCleary. Stuart (Capt.). f Ruble, Elder,