ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT ATa meeting of the Athletic Association held on Friday, Jan. 20, the following officers were elected for the foot ball de- partment:—Manager, Roland Diller, 'oo; marshal, T. H. Miller, 'of; board of directors, D. D. Cure, '62, A. C. Pollock, 'oo, and J. S. Ruble, 'ca.. A partial report was made by the committee on the revision of the Constitution. Among the more important changes ratified at the meeting were the following:—The Auditing Committee of three students and the Alumni Advisory Committee of three members in each of the three departments were abolished, and their duties were conferred upon an Advisory Committee whose powers are enumerated in the section: " The Advisory Committee shall con sist of three members who shall 'be Alumni, and two members who may be members of the faculty (including instructors). It shall be the duty of the Advisory Committee to examine the books of the Treasurer and of the several Managers at the end of each term, or whenever so directed by the Association, and in all cases to report to the Association, and to advise the several Managers and Officers. The five members shall have equal rights." The Treasurer shall hereafter be a resident member of . the Alumni, or a member of the instruction force, instead of being a student as heretofore. The election of a Manager, a Marshal, and a Board of Directors of three members for the foot ball department will hereafter be held on the first Monday in December instead of on the second Monday of the Winter term. The Managers shall be required by the Advisory Committee to furnish, in all cases possible, receipts or vouchers for all ex penditures made by them. The Advisory Committee shall have power to cancel orders of the Managers on the Treasurer, in which case they can only be paid. by the vote of the Association.