ALUMNI DEPARTMENT. '6B. Gabriel Hiester of Harrisburg has been actively engaged during the winter in farmers' institute work. '7O. Cards are out for the wedding of Lieut. Wm. W. Gal braith of the sth U. S. Artillery to Miss Li spy of Harrisburg. Mr. Galbrath intends resigning from the army to engage in agricultural pursuits. 'B9. J. S. Weller, a member of the Penn'a State Senate, has been appointed to the office of chairman of the Federal Relations Committee, and a member of both the Judiciary General and the Railway Committee. X 93• The recent trip of G. R. Wieland to South Dakota under the auspices of Yale University, where he holds the University Fellowship in Palaeontology, was decided a success, some of the material brought back being entirely unique. '93. F. F. Weld, who for several years has been engaged on the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, has changed his headquarters from Havre-de-Grace, Md., to Coast Survey Station " Blake," Ponce, Porto Rico. 'p4. P. K. Mattern has resigned his position with the Penn'a Steel Co. to engage in business with his father at Warriors Mark, Pa. '95. J. P. Rogers has been appointed Executive Clerk of the State Dept. at Harrisburg, by Gov. Stone. '95. Geo. B. Snyder who taught at the Centrehall high school prior to his enlistment in the sth Pa. Vol. Inf. last spring, is now teaching mathematics at the Shippensburg, Pa., Normal School. '95. T. R. Cummins, until recently located at Ripley, Tenn., as rodman for the I. C. R. R., has been promoted to the position of Assistant Engineer. He is now connected with the Pt. Dodge and Omaha Division, with headquarters at Council Bluffs, lowa. 'p7. Thos. Baumgardner has accepted the position of general inspector for the Williamsport Gas Co.