The Civil Engineering Department has received from the Barber Asphalt Paving Co. of New York an excellent assortment of materials used by that company in asphalt paving work. The Electrical Engineering Department is widely extending its facilities for doing electro-chemical and metallurgical work. The room between the two experimental laboratories, which has here tofore been used as an office, is being fitted up for this purpose and a complete equipment for wet metallurgical processes is to be installed within two weeks. Purnaces for the production of carb ides will be constructed, at an early date. The election of officers for the present term held by the Ulectri cal Society at a recent meeting resulted as follow.4:—J. C. Reed, '99, president; A. H. Berger, 'oo, W. P. Beyerle, '99, and G. C. Shaad, 'oo, vice-presidents; V. M. Weaver, '99, secretary, and Prof. J. P. Jackson, F. F. Thompson and D. H. Plank, 'oo, ex ecutive committee. The Department of Electrical Engineering has just been pre sented with a new Jewell ampere and volt-meter. This instru ment is a new form of the one which has been owned by the Col lege for some time and is considered an unusually fine instrument. The College is indebted to C. Alfred Smith, '6l, who was for some years Professor of Chemistry in this institution, for this gift. The first joint-meeting of the Electrical and Mechanical Socie ties was held in the Engineering Building on Friday afternoon, February 3. The following articles were presented:— " What is the Heating Surface of a Steam Boiler?" nel, 'oo " The Delivery and Distribution of Niagara Power in Buffalo " —D. E. Carpenter, '99. " The Judges Report on Motocycles at the Boston Show " E. Weldy, 'oo. " The Niagara Palls Power Plant " C. S. Gingrich, '96, has presented to the Mechanical Engineer ing Department drawings and a framed photograph of the Heisler mountain-climbing locomotive, designed by Mr. Heisler, who was for some time connected with the Department. An article by Prof. C. L. Griffin, of the Mechanical Engineer ing Department, on " Systems in Engineering Calculations and Records " appeared in the American Machinist of January 12th. COLLEGE NOTES —V. V. Thompson. —F. G. Con-