live, as one of the best colleges that this country can boast of. Kick if you will, but kick in the right direction. FOR some time past there 'has been a growing tendency on the part of a few reckless students to make it very unpleasant for those conducting our Sunday Chapel services. On a few occasions this disrespectful conduct has become so conspicuous as to cast a disgraceful shadow over the entire student body. This was brought very forcibly to our notice at the beginning of the present term, when an old gray haired man, known and respected throughout the State as a leader among christian men, was inter rupted during the service by that unmanly and disrespectful shuffing of feet. Thus with the words— " I am not through, but will stop," closed the address of otie in full sympathy with every college man present. The disgraceful conduct was keenly felt by every student with the exception of a few whose sense of propriety seems to be entirely wanting. And now upon our College remains the stigma of having shown a lack of appreciation and an irreverent conduct toward a man worthy of our most sincere respect. Such conduct permitted by the student body reflects dishonor, not only upon ourselves but upon every one connected with the institution. A man who comes here for the purpose of securing an educa tion—ignorant of his relation to his fellow men, without the slightest idea of public conduct, and absolUtely void of respect for a divine service—should, without delay or ceremony, be apprized of the fact that this is no place for him. EDITORIAL .0 .0 .0