TEE WATCH 1!,/i PRINTING ;OUSE AT BELLEFONTE, PA., Has .Exceptional racilities for Doing All Kinds of Printing, Embossing, Numbering, Ruling, Engraving, and Blank Book Work Promptly and at Prices that are Reasonable. KEnp THIS IN MIND, STUDENTS. 8.E1,1,4` ELM Rend down No 3•f I xprems P. na. 8 00 II 20 A. M 3 10 3 3 0 7 15 12 30 A. IVI. 9 45 10 03 9 4 8 11 lo P Ar, 12 10 7 05 A. M. t 10 301 P, t 4 0, 4 o 6 4 lo 4 1 3 4 i 8 6 f 6 3 8 f 643 f 646 f 6so f 655 10 fro 42 37 f to 47 f 10 53 1 10 56 f II 02 I/ 05 08 I 11 20 1.1911=1011•11111111 I / 32 11 45 ^V.111111...1 I 21 I 4 21 f 4 25 r 4 28 , ff 4 4 3 30 0 f 4 5 0 I 4 95 5 00 7 00 r 703 f f" 7 22 7 7 3 1 7 35 from Montand• State College. Daily exc Train and 5 fo ops ou ADVERTISEMENTS. ONTE CENTRAL, RAILROAD. Time Table No. 3. 'l3 4„P 4 4 STATIONS Take effect Ilfondav, A 151,18,1898, LRAVI New York Pldladelphla 345 2 55 150 z 65 'Harrisburg .Plttsburg , Altoona Tyrone Sunbury Tio r iliaiCfon . Lewisburg Williamsport Look Haven Bellefonte Coley'lle Morris • Whittner Hunter's . ltilltnore Briefly Waddles Lambouru Kruntrine Un vers ty Inn state Colic, e . . Sim es . , Illoonisdorf Pine Grove Mills Lewisburg, Williamsport, Lock Haven and Tyrone connect with Train N Trains from State College connect with P. R. It. trains at Bellefonte. ept Sunday. P. H, THOMAS, Superintendent. W. L. FOSTER, STATE COLLEGE, ---:DEALER IN:- Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, TOPIC and Pocket cutlery Drugs, Medicines, Paints, oils. Dried Fruits and Garden Seeds. Flour and Feed, Excellent Livery Attached. tot alitorrim *Joel VMS.. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1889. And the AWALD at CHICAGO. We make not only floe point pens like 303 - 404 - 170 - 604 but also the coarser business pens like 332, 601, 878, 1008 °CI, Joseph Gillott & Sons, Now York. Trnlne movingnvt, eil ,4,21 4mg 11 10 P, M. I 55 I 35 1 45 12 15 A. M. .1 . 2.17 A. M. I 850 8 40! f 8 37, 1 8 5 f 831 f 828 f Bx 4 8 20 f BzB ffBB o, 774 R Co ' 7 35 - PENN'A. Read up No:4 f rxpress M, 7 33 4 3 0 P 10 20 11 30, 7 40 6 4o 6 3o f 6 27 f 6 23 f 621 f 6 18 f 6 14 , 2 25 2 22 f 2 17 f 2 112 f 2 06 f 2 00 , 1 55 / 1 52 r 1 37 ri3l 6 10 f 6 ory L j 2, 7 1-15 5 -1 4 f 5 20 5 15