the auspices of the FREE LANCE of Nov. 26th, is that it was the finest concert ever heard here. The praise of the violin music was especially profuse, We were rather disappointed though be cause the financial result was such that the debt of the FREE LANCE, was not decreased. With the cooperation of our sub scribers the present staff will yet be able to pay off the entire debt, provided all outstanding subscriptions are paid before April Ist. Several book shelves were recently placed in the lower hall of the Main Building, upon which books may be left during recita tion hours. The radiators have heretofore been used for this purpose Through the efforts of Miss Redifer a series of three art lectures were delivered in the College Chapel during the latter part of November. These lectures were given by Mr. Geo. B. Zug, of Pittsburg, his subject being "The Art of the Italian Renaissance." The Chapel services of Sunday, Nov 27, were conducted by Prof. Gill, who delivered an excellent Thanksgiving sermon. Miss McUlwain and Miss Redifer spent their Thanksgiving va cation in Pittsburg. At a meeting of the American Association of Agricultural 'Col leges and Experimental Stations held at Washington, D. C., on Nov. tsth, Dr. Armsby was elected president. President Mc- Kinley received the association and Secretary Wilson gave them a reception at his home. The students celebrated the foot ball victory over Washington and Jefferson by a dance at the University Inn on Monday even ing, Nov. 2!. The State College band furnished the music. • Many of the students visited their homes during the Thanks giving vacation which extended from Wednesday noon, Nov. 2'3 until the following Saturday evening. , This season more vigor than ever before has been shown in the Correspondence School of Agriculture, the work being more, in the way of examinations than previously. Dr. Frear, Prof. Butz, Mr. J. A. Fries, and Mr. E. H. Hess are to represent the College in the Farmers' Institute of Pennsylvania this year. They will be engaged in this work until some time in COLLEGE NOTES