once that he was from Cornell. Why do you not laud the name of State ? You have enough matters about which to talk and feel proud. Your college is second to none in the State, and in soma respects . to none in the country, and yet in the neigh borhood of your homes the school boys know more about the normal schools of the State than do the young men know of the State College. Go home at vacation with the determination that each person whom you meet shall know of The Pennsylvania State College. You have a fruitful subject to talk about in the record made by your foot ball team, but do not be content with such exaltation alone. Be determined also to induce at least one person to join us next year. Let each man do his duty—and one of his primary duties is to serve his Alma Mater—and the College will open next fall with the largest attendance which she has ever had. ‘417 • c"---) • • - 47. I:f r g"- / 4 1 ,jl / g EDITORIALS