The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1898, Image 29

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    THJ placing of book racks in the Main Hall is an, excellent
idea and one much appreciated by the boys. A similar set of
racks in the Engineering Building would be equally appreciated.
I N past years there has existed what seems to be a lack of interest
on the part of the students and alumni—the former in particular
—in the welfare of the college. This lack of interest, although
evident in other directions, has been especially noticeable in the
matter of inducing students to come here. If the students had, in
the past year, used their influence as they could have used it, the
college would have opened this fall with the largest instead of the
smallest Freshman class which it has had for several years.
Many a friend when intending to go to college can be induced
with but a few words to attend the college which you attend or
have attended, if you will but say those few words. The sooner
the student banishes from his mind the thought that the college
is in no way dependent upon him, the better will it be for the
college and for the person whose degree is backed by its name.
No right-minded person can do else than realize at some time or
other how deeply he is indebted to the institution which fits him
for life. Would it be more than just for you to pay that debt in
whatever way you can ?„ You are able, to pay it in a great measure,
and without any inconvenience or discomforture to yourself, by
occasionally saying a good word about your Alma Mater. Why is it
that probably one-half of the citizens of this Commonwealth have
heard but little if anything about this institution ? Why is it that
many persons even within an hour's journey still think that this
is the " Farmer's High School "of the early sixties ? Simply
because you do not talk enough about The Pennsylvania State
College. Have your ever joined a group of men from other
colleges during a vacation ? If you have, you were at once struck
with the fact that the man from Princeton talked of nothing but
Princeton, the Yale man knew no other topic for conversation
than Yale„ the Cornell man was very particular to inform you at
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