At Twilight . . . . The Cave . . . . "One on The Boys" Her Brother's Sister . [Entered May 4, 1887, at the Post Office at State College, Pa., as Second Cla THI VANE LANCE is published Monthly during the college year by the students o SYLVANIA. STATE COLLHON. Contributions of all kinds are desired from Students Terms of subscription are $1.0o; Single Copies, 15 cents, Address all Communications to THE FREE LANCE, State We Lay . Great Stress Upon Pleasing the Young Dressers. JACOB REED'S SONS, There is a style and a fit about our Clothing and Other Wear that give it the first place. The Best Things in Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, Gloves, etc. CONT ENTS. 1 97 Editorial 197 College Notes . ..• . . 203 Alumni Department . . . . 206 Athletic Department . . . 101 -.9 1412-1414 Chestnut Street. Choice Merchant T and Other Ordered