Miller Brungart, Jr. .. Brungart Herman Michael Bevier 'semen Goss . Umpire—Ford, Dickinson, Referee—Leete, Colgate. Timekeepers, Schock, Susquehanna, and Reed, State. Linesmen, Spigelmeyer, Susque hanna, and Hayes, State. Time—Two 20-minute halves. Touchdowns— Cure (4), D. K. Miller (2), Platt, Heckel, Morris. Goals—Cure (5), Michael. Score—Susquehanna 6; State 45. THE ANNAPOLIS-STATE GAME AS in the case of Hamlet, " There was method in his madness," there was an object in our not putting up the best game that we were able to when we met the Naval Cadets on Oct. 22. We saw before us the two hardest games of the season—Princeton and D. C. & A. C.—scheduled for the following week, and when we entered the game, we did it with the determination to lose ratler than run the chance of having any of our players crippled. The first half ended with the score of 6 to o in our favor, the touch down having been made by Hewitt and the goal by Cure. In the second half Wade made two touchdowns and Fowler one for the Cadets and Wade kicked goal on the latter's touchdown. A few minutes before time was called, Cure kicked one of the prettiest field goals made on any grid-iron this season. The line-up was:— ANNAPOLIS. PoSITIoN, STATE. Shea (Royal) right end Blair Nichols right tackle F. Miller Vernon right guard Scholl Wort man centre Murray Halligan . left guard Randolph Bissel .. . . ....... left tackle Ross Jackson left end Ruble Taussig quarter-back Heckel Fowler right half-back Hewitt Gannon left half-back Platt Wade full-back Cure Umpire—Etting. Referee—Flint. Touchdowns—Wade (2 ) Hewitt, Fowler. Goals—Wade, Cure—from field (I), from touchdown (i). ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT centre . . . . . left guard . . . . left tackle . . . . left end . . quarter-back • . • right half-back . . left half-back . . . . full-back . . . . ANNAPOLIS 16 ; STATIC I E. . . Capt. Murray . . . Randolph Ross . . Ruble (Parr) Heckel (Martin) . . Pollock (Hewitt) Platt (D. K. Miller) Cure.