-Bloomsburg State Normal at State College, Pa. Washington and Jefferson College at Washington. Nov. 12* Nov. 19' ■Western University of Pa. at Pittsburg) Pa. ■Dickinson College at Sunbury or Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Nov. 21 Nov. 24- CROSS COUNTRY RUNS. RKALIZING the fact that the actual training of the track team is begun so late in the season that many of the run- ! hers do not make such a creditable showing as they would with earlier practice, a series consisting of three cross country runs of one, two, and five miles respectively has been arranged by the’ track team. These races will begin the latter part of Oc tober, the exact time to be announced later. As an inducement to have as many compete as possible, Dr. Newton has promised a silver cup to that person winning the greatest number of points in the series of runs. Do not hesitate to enter the races even though you do not think that you will win the cup. You cannot fail to derive some benefit from the practice. The results will have considerable weight in the choosing of track team men next spring. As a special in ducement to the new students, “The Free Dance” offers one year’s subscription gratis to all new men who are among the five candidates making the greatest number of points in the series. Ail candidates will please hand their names, to Captain Norman on. or before the 20th inst. At a meeting of the Athletic Association held on October 12th, the following officers were elected: Base ball Manager, E. S. Williams, ’99; Base ball Marshal, F; Heckel, ’99; Base ball Com mittee, J; D. Haehnlen, ’99, J. L,. Stewart, ’99 and C. Q. Weekes, ’oo; General Athletic Manager, W. L. Affelder, ’99;. General Athletic Marshal, J, Neubert, ’99; General Athletic Committee, M. R. Stevenson, ’99, A. C. Pollock, ’OO and D. D. Cure, ’O2. ATHEETIC DEPARTMENT j* j* j*