The U. op P. —State Game: | 'HERE is an old saying—“ Blessed are they that expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed,’’ but many of us were disappointed. Why ? Because we expected more than we had any reason to expect. In the first place, how could we hope to do much with Murray, Randolph, Cure, and Heckel more or less lamed from the effects of the game with Gettysburg ? Secondly, how could our boys be expected to make any kind of a showing against such a team as Pennsylvania’s with but two days of coaching ? The fact that Pennsylvania defeated Gettys burg by but three more points than we did may have caused some to overestimate our own strength, but further developments showed that the standard of comparison was at fault. Pennsyl vania had no reason to put forth her best efforts in her game with Gettysburg, and in our optimism we failed to recognize this fact. Our boys played as good a game as they could, but further than this they were able to do nothing. They were completely out classed both in strength and skill, but especially in the latter. The fact that the only considerable gains made by our team were a five yard one through the centre and a ten yard dash through one end are indicative of this. The playing of our boys in the second half, in which Pennsylvania scored but six points of the 40 which she made, is especially worthy of praise. There is no reason why we should feel discouraged at the result of the game. With a few weeks more of good training and coaching, we will have as good a team as ever wore the S. Remember that “ Into each life some rain must fall,” but also that “ Behind the cloud the sun’s still shining.” The line-up was as follows: — PENNSYLVANIA. Hedges (Snover) Snover (De Silver) McCracken Overfield . . . Carnett McCloslcey left tackle . . . Folwell (Rengenberg) left end . . . . athletic eepartment U. OP P. 40; STATE O. POSITION. . right end . right tackle . right guard ....... . . centre ....... . left guard STATE. . . Farr. . . . . F. Miller. . T. Miller (Gorr). Murray. . . . . Randolph. Scholl. ...... Ruble.