Machine Co. pf Pittsburg as a draughtsman. He is at present in Bellefonte, ill with typhoid fever. C. A. Brown (Bat. Sci.) is at home, in McKeesport, Pa. M. M. Cadman (Mech.) is in the chemical department of the Westinghouse Machine Co., at East Pittsburg, Pa. J. W. Campbell (Min,) is employed as trausitman for the Wilkesbarre Division of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., Coal Dept. J. E. Clapper (Civ.) is employed as a draughtsman in the Pitts burg office of the Carnegie Steel Co. W. P. Cochran (Elec.) spent a few days here last week. E. C. Crewe (Met.) is a special appentice in the blast furnace department of the Illinois Steel Co. of South Chicago. J. McM. Curtin (Elec.) has charge of the electrical equipment of the mines of the Quinnimont Coal and Coke Co., situated at Quinnimont, W. Va. H. S. Davis (Mech.) is engaged in engineering work with the Wm. Cramp & Sons Ship and Engine Building Co. of Philadelphia. A. N. Diehl (Chem.) is an assistant chemist in the Penn’a. Agricultural Experiment Station, L, G. Dodge (Mech.) is employed in the repair shops of the Armstrong Cork Co. whose works are situated at Lancaster, Pa. His work embraces steam testing, machine work and draughting. E. B. Espenshade (Civ.) is chainman on one of the Illinois Central R. R. corps. He is now stationed at Murphysboro, 111. J. A. Fries (Agric.) returned last month from Sweden where he spent the summer, and has again assumed his duties at the Experiment Station. A. A. Gallaway (Civ.) was at home when last heard from. J. W. Gray (Elec.) is with the Standard Underground Cable Co, of Pittsburg. A. O. Hiester (Agric.) is employed at the Experiment Station as an assistant chemist. H. G. Huber (Mech.) is draughting with the P. W. and B. R. R., at Wilmington, Del. J. D. Huston (Agric.) has been appointed to the Fellowship in Dairy Husbandry at The Penn’a State College. W. A. Hutchison (Agric.) has been appointed to the Fellow ship in Agricultural Chemistry at The Penn’a State College. F. A. Kaisei (Civ.) is with the International Correspondence ALUMNI DEPARTMENT