Prof. J. H. Ueete lias moved from his home on the Campus to the McDonald flat. On account of the unusual number of calls for the latest cata logue, the supply is temporarily exhausted. To fill the want thus occasioned a circular, containing the most important information, has been issued and can now be obtained at the Business Office. The meter bar obtained recently by the Department of Physics of the College has been returned from Cornell University where it was compared with the standard bar of that institution. It’s length is now known accurately to one part in one million. . The annual reception given to the new students by the College Y. M. C. A. was held in its assembly hall on the evening of Sept. 16th. The hall was filled' to overflowing and the usual programme was carried out. These reoeptions afford an excellent opportunity for the newer students to become acquainted with their, future associates and with the life of the College in general;.; , . There ,are three bible classes organized .under the auspices of the Y..M. C. A. The. one conducted ■ by'Prof. Willard treats on “The Uife of Christ,” that by Prof. Gill deals with different selections from Psalms, while' Prof, Foster takes up the history of the early Church. These classes are held once a week and those attending them cannot help but derive, a great amount of good from them. . 'During the summer the Mining Department procured a typical Thies’ chlorination barrel and machinery for operation which will be installed in the building used by the Departriient for experi mental work. One of the models of coal breakers now in the temporary mining building will be moved to the second story in prder to make room for retort and reverberatory furnaces which will soon be erected to facilitate work in practical' Metallurgy. The first meeting of the Junior Class was held in the Engineer ing Building, Sept. 27th, and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—President, Warn; vice-presidept, Shoff stall; secretary, Berger; treasurer, Glenwright; historian, Shaad; poet, Miss Bricker; chaplain, Siegfried;. marshal, Morgan. Cole and Shaad were chosen to fill the vacancies on the board of editors, of Da Vie, while Hamilton was elected to the position of busi ness manager made vacant by the absence of Howard, - The Mining Department recently received from Germany' a; valuable collection of sections of minerals for microscopic ex amination.