Dr: H. P, Armsby,; Director of the .Experiment Station, spent a portion of his summer vacation in Europe, making, investiga tions as a basis of cooperative work, between the Station and the United States Department. An illustrated lecture on the colored race was held in the Col lege Chapel on Sept. 28th by the Rev. Weaver of Baltimore under the auspices of the Home Mission Society which was holding a convention at State College at the time. Owing to the great weight of the tower and slate roof covering the Main Building, the portion of that structure containing the Chapel settled several inches during the summer. After the nec essary repairs had been made, a new and very prettily designed ceiling was placed in the Chapel. Although we were glad to note that the appearance of Beaver Field was considerably improved by the repairing of the grand stand, we looked in vain for a banked cinder track. We under stood several years ago that the track was to be banked and we would be pleased to see the fulfillment of what now seems to have been a mere rumor. The informal dance held in the Armory during Summer School for the students and those connected with the College afforded a pleasant time to all who attended. The music was furnished by the State College bapd. This was the first dance of its kind to be held here and we hope that a similar one may be arranged each year. A number of the Seniors are voluntarily tutoring such new men as are members of the foot ball team in order to prevent them as much as possible from falling below grade in their studies. We hope that by this means less men will be barred from going on trips with the team, and that a smaller number will drop out at the end of the term. , Mr. W. S. Thyng, formerly instructor in the Mining depart ment, is now engaged at the iron mines near Roselle, N., Y. The Pennsylvania State Millers’ Association which met at Bellefonte recently visited the College on Wednesday afternoon, Sept 28th. They assembled in the College Chapel where a short program was carried out. The Mandolin Club played several selections after which several addresses were made. The re mainder of the time was spent in inspecting the buildings and